Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rosebud garland update.

Bud by bud a wee bit longer. 


Campbell Jane said...

Oh Jen I miss you too! I haven't been to your zone for awhile. Love what you've done to your blog. What a beautiful photo of Marco on the beach. The golden hour. I have been painting photos lately and having fun with it and experimenting with distortion, moon angels. I found a site paintmyphoto which is great. I'd love to paint some of your pinup girls :) Jim's old rock band is back together. He's playing drums & singing. They are playing at the Coloma Club this weekend.
I'd love to hear what you've been up to & how life is treating you. Call me sometime!
Peace & Love

cree said...

hello dear heart! i had no idea JENZONE had moved! love, love, love your beautiful garland. is it going around an alter of love maybe? lets gather soon.